do crystals really work? an article for the sceptics

A lot of information has been suppressed about the magic of Crystals.

We are in an exciting time in our global ascension and awakening journey where, due to the need for healing as many are going through deep lessons that require deep levels of healing, more and more are turning to Crystals and alternative healing modalities for energetic healing and realising the immense value in what these healing tools have to offer.

Firstly, as an entry point and something that we have been saying for a long time is that Crystals are already used in many areas of our society. First of all - they exist in our bodies! Calcite microcrystals are in the pineal gland (also known as the Third Eye) of the human brain, and yes, you can use some Crystals to unfreeze and open the pineal gland here is an article on this: Calcium Carbonate crystals are also in the human ear, in a branch that is responsible for balance. Here is a link so you can see for yourself: It’s no wonder they can work well for people experiencing things like vertigo.  

When people mock or laugh at others about using Crystals, reducing them to merely “rocks”, as opposed to magical physical manifestations of many minerals, colliding and forming over millions of years, that form part of the physical make-up of Mother Earth herself; they don’t realise that the joke’s on them! Sorry, but it’s true. LOL. Crystals are already used in advanced technology, and more simple technology as well.

Quartz Crystals create piezoelectricity which is a process of mechanical energy converting into electrical energy, and the same reversed. Radios, robotics, microphones, mobile phones and even guitars have Crystals in them! Quartz is an energetic amplifier, which is why if you put a piece of Quartz on your fuel line, it will enhance the fuel efficiency of your car. Most computers have crystalline silicon in computer chips, there are crystals in quantum computers, clocks and watches are powered by Quartz crystals, hence the name “quartz watch”. Galena and Pyrite are Crystals that are also able to be used as radio transmitters and many other Crystals possess these abilities, it comes down to the fact that they all vibrate at different frequencies, and yes they omit energy, and their energetic aura is much larger than the human aura / energetic field / light body. Here is a link for some more information on piezoelectricity:

In all seriousness, beyond this very obvious evidence that Crystals absolutely do work! We actually sell an amazing book that was written by a Bioenergist and Geobiologist, Regina Martino. Regina has collated evidence from scientists all around the world, as well as her own scientific findings that in fact, prove with science, that Crystals do affect our energetic bodies in many ways. She shares her scientific findings of how they influence the aura, expand the aura, how different shapes manipulate the energy disbursement in different ways and much more. The only book we have in English so far, is her book dedicated to the one Crystal, Shungite, and all of its amazing findings, which you can purchase from our store here. Regina not only uses science to prove that Shungite protects the aura from EMF and harmful frequencies, but she also honed in on the healing properties and especially that of Elite Shungite, which is a form of Shungite that exists in only 1% of all deposits. Elite Shungite is the largest known, naturally existing occurrence of C60 in the world. We have a page dedicated to Shungite and Elite Shungite and its properties that you can check out here. The Scientists that discovered C60 won a Nobel Peace Prize, so once again, science has our back on this, and we believe that they have only just touched the surface in terms of what they are truly capable of. Regina is French so English is her second language, she has actually written many books, and I have been personally in contact with her to gain her permission to promote her work. She tells me she has many other books which she hopes to have translated into English very soon.

There is already so much suffering on the planet, mental health issues are on the rise, so many people are trying to navigate the world carrying so many unresolved traumas and turn to substance abuse and other bad habits that only make things worse for them. If we can offer some guidance into this world of energetic healing and help someone, then that’s an honour and a really beautiful thing. 

I had a beautiful fan who became a friend, she had breast cancer and sadly passed away. We went into the hospital to visit her before her radiation treatment and both Shannon and myself gave her a full body Crystal healing. She told us it was the only time that she came out of radiation that she didn't feel sick afterwards. So we shouldn’t brush this stuff off especially if it's something you don't know anything about, because the reality is these healing tools help people. They help them feel better, they help them heal the energetic body. I personally used Crystals to help me heal depression, chronic anxiety, remove trauma from my chakras which had caused blockages in my body, assisted me in my healing with life threatening auto-immune disease along with other natural healing modalities. 

So the cat’s out of the bag baby! Crystal Ignite is here to Ignite your awakening and fill you in that yes, they work, and we know this first hand, not just through our own energetic healing but in witnessing the magical effects they have had on others energetic healing. So for the sceptics who are yet to open their amazing Third Eyes (the one in your forehead), we did some homework for you so that you can see the science does, in fact, back us up here. We are not knocking you for being sceptical, it’s an intelligent thing to question everything! The wisest people question, but they also, always have an open mind and don’t write anything off without thorough investigation and investigating all perspectives. So now we challenge you to open your mind to this amazing new and exciting world of healing. We just want you all to feel good and be happy, which is why we are doing the work we are doing. 

So before you go writing them off or adding me into another demographic of tin foil-hat wearing, which I am ok with, but I would prefer to add a crown of Crystals around my tin foil hat, ploise! Please know that I enjoy getting my rocks off, and now you know why!

For more information, please visit our youtube channel and our video ‘Do Crystals Really Work?’

Much love to you all!

Crystal xx


The importance of cleansing crystals


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