Why Ignite Awakening?

The term “Awakening” has been used a lot in recent times, although our interpretation and use of the word is slightly different. Awakening to us is about Igniting your inner knowing, your soul’s divine instinctual knowledge that has always been within, but has long been forgotten or overlooked. It is about Awakening to healing, our true potential, to our divine abilities, and connection to the divine and each other. We all have our own divine contribution to make to the ascension of the collective, and as one Awakens to their soul’s calling, it sparks the Awakening of another and so we are now part of one big, beautiful, ripple effect.

It is about Awakening to our soul mission and purpose, to the divine feminine and divine masculine within us all and those energies uniting together, but most importantly, Awakening to our true roles as adults, as protectors and teachers of children, ensuring that we do our best to make sure we play the parts we have a responsibility to play in order to ensure this is a safe and sacred space for children to be nurtured, to explore, to grow and to reach their full potential. This includes doing the same for our own inner child. To nurture our inner child and not forget our connection to the inner child within us all. To remember to laugh, to be present, to play, walk barefoot on the Earth and never forget our divine connection to all that is and all that surrounds us.


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